Aging is way freaky. I like myself now, more than I ever have. I wouldn't trade that. But mortality is weird. I'm not afraid of the afterlife, but it's the long lingering illness thing that frightens me. I had hoped you'd email but I wanted to let you know about what I'm doing to process through all of this, the meaning of life and all of it. I found something that really works for me. It's no secret, you can tell by my posts what I'm up to. But I did find an online MA program that is full tuition paid. If you have a BA/BS and history/philosophy/religion/sociology/theology intrigues you, check it out. It's been lifesaving for me. And I absolutely will not go into ministry. I'm using the education to augment my writing. Brite is about the most liberal place you can find, many of my cohorts are atheists and a majority of us are deconstructing as a result of spiritual abuse. Anyway. I wanted to share that. I don't want to sound like I'm preaching, I'm not. It's just an incredible opportunity.,six%20equal%20payments%20of%20%242%2C200.