Time wanes beauty. Once it’s gone, because it will be gone, you better have a substantial fall back plan.
February 20, 2024
I’ve been thinking about getting another cat. A senior cat. Tabitha is 14, and I have room in my home and my heart for a senior cat.
I connected with a man who is rehoming his 11-year-old cat. His wife died a few months back, he wants to travel, the cat is extremely demanding of his attention. He was his wife’s caregiver for over a decade. It’s too much being on his own with the cat. He’s tired. I get that. He told me he’d found a home for his cat. Nonetheless, we proceeded to exchange way too many cat pictures and continued on texting for a bit.
He’s leaving for Hawaii soon, on a one-way ticket, he explained, because he’s not sure how long he’ll stay. He found a nice place for $175 a night, so maybe a month or two. Ching Ching. Yep, the guy has buck.
He told me about some of the women he’d connected with since his wife passed, including three FWB’s. There was one lady whom he liked just as a friend. She wasn’t very tall and she was overweight. Time had not been kind to her, he explained. He made the decision to friend zone the woman right up front.
“She was great, had the perfect personality, smart and funny, but I told her from the start we’d…