How could we have forgotten so much in just 3 1/2 years?

Coco Densmore
2 min readJul 8, 2024

January 1, 2021

Most of the world is claiming 2020 to be the worst year of their lives. And it was one horrible year. But there have been good things.

I sent out what I had written on New Year’s Eve for the last four years to the A List. It clearly shows my progression from utter hopelessness to my choice to move confidently into the future.

I received some positive responses. One friend said, “This year sucked. But really good things happened. Normalizing depression and anxiety. Normalizing self-care, meditation and therapy.”

She’s right. Many people that have never experienced depression experienced situational depression for the first time in their lives. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially not triggered by a pandemic.

But the positive is, we’ve shifted our priorities. We’ve developed the tools needed to increase our resilience. We’ve learned how to connect with those we love using online platforms. We make jokes about not wearing our button pants, living in our sweats. But for many, time at home with our families has strengthened relationships.

Although many of us are grateful 2020 is over, I fear we are not on an upward trend. 2021 is going to exceed all expectations for the worst. Just because the calendar…



Coco Densmore

Coco Densmore writes about Embracing Her Single, being HSV-2+, living with bipolar mental illness, and overcoming childhood sexual abuse.