I really do hope you get it one of these days. You are doing your God no favors. I think it would be good if you read up before you start proselytizing and pushing people who are deconstructing further towards atheism. I don't think that's your intent, but in practice, that is what you are doing. I'm not as angry with you as I was earlier, but I still think you are doing some very destructive things in the name of Jesus, and for that, I pity you a great deal. If I may be so bold as to speak for him, actually I will, since scripture supports it, he would not be pleased. Here is a quote from article that I've linked below: "It isn’t Jesus’ ministry to respond to your situation with condemnation, therefore it isn’t mine. I am called to radical love, meekness, and compassion. If you say things out of anger about my God, He can handle it. He isn’t fragile. And if anything, He is saddened with you by your experience — grieved not by your disbelief, but by the way Christians have treated you.” https://medium.com/backyard-theology/how-i-felt-the-overwhelming-love-of-jesus-as-an-atheist-25a7348a8f4b