Member-only story
P.S. My post-modern theology professor said anytime we put something in quotes, we’re “contesting” it. Do you agree with “that”?
January 24, 2024
Email to Cinci Joe:
This is a pic of my age appropriate pen pal who lives in — -. He has a doctorate and he’s a professor and has a successful career in business. He’s sexy and he’s a lot of fun and he’s single and he’s old like me. But he lives in — -. For goodness’ sake.
He follows my blog. That’s how we connected. So he knows the Full Coco.
Cinci Joe:
You Go Guuuurrrrl! Do you think you’ll meet him?
He lives in — -! So probably not. He’s really hot though, for an old guy. With a tummy. Well, not a big one. I like that, though. Tummies. Perfection is just not sexy, I don’t think.
But then I wonder, if he lived locally, what would I want? How would I feel? Would I want to get involved with someone, intensely involved, again? And the answer is NO. I wonder if I ever will again. It sure doesn’t feel like it right now. That fucking David. What an asshole.
But I do believe, well, I used to believe falling in love just happens with the “right person”. But more recently, I have come to believe I can control…