Pondering how this list came about in the first place. I know I wrote it in June/July, 2017, during my stay in the psych hospital. It was during a time I was terrified of losing him from being stupid, actually that was all of the time, so I basically wrote down everything I figured out about his boundaries so I would stay in check. Funny thing, is, he wasn't scared by my mental illness. The fact too much of the arrangement was very convenient overrode that fear. And he must have been familiar with bipolar, because he saw the mania and the histrionics, and recognized they'd pass . So he sort of overlooked that key piece. Today, I would have one rule: He's married. RUN! And this reponse has very little do with your comment! I like what you said about love. I wrote this piece about how I love now: https://medium.com/@cocodensmore-80874/true-love-5a277934fa14