When I was in my 20s and 30s, doctors treated me horribly about my weight. They made me feel like shit about my weight, and the fact I couldn't get on top of it. The last 20 or so years (I'm 59), I've had doctors that have not treated it as the focal issue, have not lectured me. One even told me it wasn't entirely my fault. I was inclined towards obesity from a hereditary standpoint, and I'd had significant trauma, sexual abuse by my father, as a child. It was sort of inevitable. Smart doctors, kind doctors, emphasized counseling, getting to the root of my issues triggering me to self-medicate with food. I'm still not on top of it, might never be completely, but I work at it. One foot in front of the other. It is important to recognize, however, carrying the extra weight has resulted in significant health issues for me, particularly these last few years. And it's drastically affected my mobility. It's not fun having a food addiction. Like any addictive substance, it's only fun when I'm doing it. The consequences are damaging, potentially devastating, and ultimately deadly. I continue to work at it. One foot in front of the other. Self-shaming makes it all worse. So I don't do that. I try not to do that. I'm getting better at that, too.